
We may often require to check if an array has non-repeating values, also known as unique values or distinct values. A common example of this would be for a Sudoku circuit, e.g. you would like to assert that all values in a row are in range [1, 9] and that the row has distinct values.


template AssertDistinct(n) {
  signal input in[n];

  var acc = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < n-1; i++){
    for (var j = i+1; j < n; j++){
      var eq = IsEqual()([in[i], in[j]]);
      acc += 1 - eq;

  acc === n * (n - 1) / 2;

To assert that an array has distinct values, we can loop over the values and check each unique pair to be non-equal using the IsEqual template. For example, in an array of 4 elements this corresponds to the following checks:

IsEqual()([in[0], in[1]]) === 0
IsEqual()([in[0], in[2]]) === 0
IsEqual()([in[0], in[3]]) === 0
IsEqual()([in[1], in[2]]) === 0
IsEqual()([in[1], in[3]]) === 0
IsEqual()([in[2], in[3]]) === 0

We could have a constraint on each iteration, but instead we can sum all the results and see if all were zero in one constraint, as done with the acc variable above.


template IsDistinct(n) {
  signal input in[n];
  signal output out;

  var acc = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < n-1; i++){
    for (var j = i+1; j < n; j++){
      var eq = IsEqual()([in[i], in[j]]);
      acc += eq;

  signal outs <== acc;
  out <== IsZero()(outs);

If you would like to return a bit-signal based on whether an array has all distinct values or not, you can slightly modify the AssertDistinct template to obtain that functionality. Instead of asserting each IsZero check, we accumulate them and then return whether that final sum is equal to zero or not.

Note that technically it is possible for acc to overflow and wrap back to 0, however, that is unlikely to happen given how large the prime-field is and we would need that many components to be able to overflow using 1+1+...+1 only.