
A bit value can only be 0 or 1. As such, they can be treated as booleans too, where 0 is false and 1 is true. It is often useful to convert a number to it's binary representation, or simply assert that a number can fit into n-bits for some n that is known at compile time.


template AssertBit() {
  signal input in;

  in * (in - 1) === 0;

To assert that a given number is bit (i.e. 0 or 1) you only have to check that , as there are only two numbers whose square equals to itself: 0 and 1. This expression is equivalent to , which is how we've written in the circuit above.

Normally people assert that a signal is bit without the template above; instead, it is preferred to do this inline where it is needed. Well, nothing really stops you from using templates.


template Num2Bits(n) {
  assert(n < 254);
  signal input in;
  signal output out[n];

  var lc = 0;
  var bit_value = 1;

  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    out[i] <-- (in >> i) & 1;

    lc += out[i] * bit_value;
    bit_value <<= 1;

  lc === in;

Num2Bits is an often used circuit that decomposes a given number to n bits. In doing so, it will assert that the number is representable by that many bits too. The binary decomposition happens the way it is done in most languages: shift and get the last bit, within a loop.

The operation (in >> i) & 1 is non-quadratic, so we have to use <-- there to assign the result to out[i] signal. At this point, out[i] can be anything given by a malicious prover, we have to constrain it. At the very least, we can assert out[i] to be a bit.

The important constraint in this template is that out when converted back to decimal should equal our number in. We make that constraint using the lc variable, which really acts like a sum in programming. It is important to remember at this point that Circom is an HDL, instead of a programming language. So, if we were to treat lc like some variable that is storing the sum, it won't really be the reality. Here instead lc is a linear-combination of the signals:

lc = out[0]*1 + out[1]*2 + out[2]*4 + ... + out[n-1]*2^(n-2)

Thankfully, this entire equality is a quadratic constraint and we can simply check if lc === in to ensure the bitwise representation is correct.

Exercise: How would you modify Num2Bits above to obtain a template like AssertBits(n) that ensures a number can be represented by n bits?


template Bits2Num(n) {
  assert(n < 254);
  signal input in[n];
  signal output out;

  var lc = 0;
  var bit_value = 1;
  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {

    lc += in[i] * bit_value;
    bit_value <<= 1;

  out <== lc;

If we can convert from an n-bit number to its binary representation, surely we should be able to convert from the binary representation with n-bits to the number itself. We do that with Bits2Num. This operation is rather straightforward, we just need to compute:

We use bit_value to keep track of , and this entire sum expression is stored within the lc (linear combination). In the end, we constrain the output signal to be equal to this expression.

Note that for both Num2Bits and Bits2Num, the most-significant bit is the last element of the array, and least-significant bit is the first element of the array. To demonstrate, consider the 4-bit number 11, normally shown as in maths. However, in these circuits we store the array [1, 1, 0, 1], in the opposite order!

Function: nbits

function nbits(n) {
  var ans = 0;

  var tmp = 1;
  while (tmp - 1 < n) {
      tmp <<= 1;

  return ans;

We might want to find the minimum number of bits required to represent a known value; we use a function called nbits (as in Circomlib) for that. Here, our parameter n is known at compile time, perhaps a generic argument or some constant somewhere.

The idea of this function is to construct until it becomes greater than our input.