
template Inverse() {
  signal input in;
  signal output out;

  assert(in != 0);

  signal inv <-- in != 0 ? 1 / in : 0;
  signal isZero <== 1 - (in * inv);

  // if isZero, since in = 0 this holds
  // otherwise, it holds due to in * 0 == 0
  in * isZero === 0;
  inv * isZero === 0;

  out <== inv;

The (multiplicative) inverse of an element within a prime field is denoted as such that . An additive inverse of is shown as and it holds that . Inverting an element within the circuit is inefficient, so the inverse is computed off-circuit and a constraint is added to make sure their multiplications result in 1.

Zero does not have a multiplicative inverse though, and we can have a run-time assertion assert(in != 0) as shown above to prevent that. However, a run-time assertion does not prevent a malicious prover to provide an altered witness that has a zero value for in. We must handle that case as well, to output a certain value fo inv when the input is zero. In the circuit above, we set inv to be zero as well, and the constraint inv * isZero === 0 holds when the input is non-zero but inv is zero.

There are two ways to find an inverse outside the circuit:

  1. Use Extended Euclidean Algorithm
  2. Use Fermat's Little Theorem

Interested reader can check them out on the web!