
Circom arrays are a different kind of beast. The main reason is that in Circom, array operations must be known at compile-time. What do we mean by this:

  • Array sizes are fixed, e.g. you can't define an array based on the user input after compiling the circuit.
  • Array indexing should be known at compile time, e.g. you can't ask a user for index i and return arr[i] like you normally do.

Before we get to the problematic unknown-at-compile-time stuff, let's quickly recap the known-at-compile-time array operations:

// an array with N elements
signal arr[N];

// a multi-dimensional array of size N * M
signal arr[N][M];

// read element at index i for known i
foo <== arr[i];

// write to element at index j for known j
arr[j] <== bar;

So now, what if we want to read or write to an index unknown at compile time?


template ArrayRead(n) {
  signal input in[n];
  signal input index;
  signal output out;

  signal intermediate[n];
  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    var isIndex = IsEqual()([index, i]);
    intermediate[i] <== isIndex * in[i];

  // adder from "Arithmetics" section
  out <== Adder(n)(intermediate);

To read an unknown index, we could instead read ALL signals (which is an operation known-at-compile-time) and then return a linear combination of them, with each value multiplied with an equality-check with our index.

arr_i =
  A[0]   * (i == 0)
+ A[1]   * (i == 1)
+ ...
+ A[n-1] * (i == n-1)

This way, our array accesses are known at compile-time but we are still able to get the value at index i, albeit at the cost of some constraints.

arr_i =
  A[0]   * 0
+ A[1]   * 0
+ ...
+ A[i]   * 1
+ ...
+ A[n-1] * 0
= A[i]

In the paper xJsnark, this method is referred to as "Linear Scan".


template ArrayWrite(n) {
  signal input in[n];
  signal input index;
  signal input value;
  signal output out[n];

  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    var isIndex = IsEqual()([index, i]);
    out[i] <== IfElse()(isIndex, value, in[i]);

Writing to an unknown-index works in a similar way to reading one. The idea is to simply copy the input signal array to an output array, but only at the index i we will use our new value instead of the existing one at in[i].

We have defined the IfElse template under the Control Flow section.