
template Multiplier(n) {
  assert(n > 1);
  signal input in[n];
  signal output out;

  signal inner[n-1];
  inner[0] <== in[0] * in[1];
  for(var i = 0; i < n - 2; i++) {
    inner[i+1] <== inner[i] * in[i+2];

  out <== inner[n-2];

There may be several "Hello World!"s of Circom, and I believe Multiplier circuit is one of them. All that we are doing here is computing the product of all elements in an array.

Since multiplying more than two signals at once is non-quadratic, we have to do this two at-a-time. Here is how multiplying 4 numbers looks like:

flowchart LR
  in_1(("in[1]")) --> i0
  in_0(("in[0]")) --> i0
  in_2(("in[2]")) --> i1
  in_3(("in[3]")) --> i2
  i0["inner[0]"] --> i1
  i1["inner[1]"] --> i2
  i2["inner[2]"] --> out(("out"))

There is really not much more to talk about in this circuit. It is simply a great way to test out whether you can understand the Circom syntax, loops, template parameters and such.

If you really like having everything as "gates" you could write the circuit with a Multiplier gate:

template Mul() {
  signal input in[2];
  signal output out;

  out <== in[0] * in[1];

Then, within the Multiplier you can use the Mul gate for each multiplication.


Imagine that you would like to use the circuit above to prove that you know the prime factors for some number:

Would it be okay to use the circuit above as given, with out as the only public signal?

If you think about this for a while, you will realize that the circuit does not care if a factor is 1 or not! Meaning that one can provide the same proof just by providing an array [k, 1, ..., 1] since:

The circuit author is responsible from checking these edge-cases, and writing the necessary constrains to prevent such soundness errors.